No Fishing!

"Suddenly the wave crashed at my feet. … When I looked up, I noticed that a tiny droplet of water had hit the top of my hand. It was so beautiful. It glistened like a diamond in the sun.
The droplet affected me so deeply with its beauty that I felt unworthy of it, and to my own surprise, as I stood there, I threw it back into the ocean.
My odd little peace was broken when I felt the Lord say to me, "Angelica?"
I said, "Yes, Lord?"
"Did you see the drop?"
I said, "Yes, Lord."
"That drop is like all of your sins, your weaknesses, your frailties and your imperfections. And the ocean is like My Mercy. If you looked for that drop, could you find it?"
I said, "No, Lord."
"If you looked and looked, could you find it?"
I said, "No, Lord."
And then He said to me, ever so quietly. "So why do you keep looking?"
This wonderful quote is from Mother Angelica.
Always one to get to the point quickly and in a way we can all relate to, she shares an intimate moment with Jesus that brings His words to her home to our hearts also!
This is a precious reminder for all of us to trust in the Lord's forgiving love for the repentant soul..and once we have been forgiven by Him..we should not "go fishing" for that which He has cast far from us!
(Sr. Rosalina BSM)

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