
This newly forming Benedictine community is humbly offered to Jesus Christ, our Lord and Saviour.

May He do with it as He wills..
and may all the honour and glory go to Him alone!

I have started this little venture because I believe the Lord has asked me to do so.
I begin it with trembling heart and knocking knees.

All I know so far, is that He wishes to use it to gather souls into a "sisterhood of love and compassion".
He desires for us to, first and foremost, console Him in His own sufferings, and has promised to comfort us in return,
And secondly, to be channels of Mercy extending Christ's Hands to the suffering souls in our world.
This we do primarily through intercessory prayer..and personal ministry where needed.

May the Lord bless and prosper this community according to His perfect Will and Divine Mercy.

Jesus..we trust in You!

~ Sr Rosalina Anderson BSM

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