This ever hallowed place

No mortal hands have made this temple,
crafted buttress, roof and floor.
Rather Christ's own risen Body
forms the arches and the door.
No human hands have made this place of prayer,
pure and holy, rich and fair.

Our eyes must see beyond the image,
see beyond the builder's art.
Here we walk on living pavement,
here we kneel in God's own heart.
Let mortal hearts their adoration bring,
grateful for this perfect thing.

Let rev'rent mind pierce through the symbol:
scattered like these stones are we.
Christ the mortar binds together
all our minds in unity.
To Father, Son and Spirit offer praise
in this ever hallowed place.

The Benedictine Sisters of Mercy are ever-mindful of being formed and built into a living “house” for the glory of Christ our Saviour.
Though we are a ‘monastery without walls’ ...we live out and practice our communal vocation within the strong walls of the Will of God under the covering of the Blessed Trinity, Whom we profoundly adore.
This Benedictine House is laid on the foundation of our monastic brothers and sisters who have gone before us..having shown us the way to walk these hallowed halls in the Spirit. We give thanks for them and pray to be counted worthy of bearing the name of our Holy Father, St Benedict. May we walk in his footsteps always.... “with the Gospel as our Guide”, trusting in the Mercy of God, to lead us safely to His eternal dwelling place; where we shall know the fullness of our sacred calling and vocation as Sisters of Mercy and Living Stones within the Body of Christ.
To Him be glory forever and ever. Amen!

Sr Rosalina Anderson BSM ... Foundress / Prioress

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