I am a pilgrim..

I am on a journey..a most unexpected journey. SomeOne has asked me to walk with Him. I don't know how far we shall walk or what will happen along the way. He has made a plan for us and I am to leave it all in His hands. Where we are going is a place I've never been before, but He tells me it's very beautiful. I believe Him..He's never been wrong in the past.

It's very strange walking with Him at times.

I get a bit lost and confused, not knowing if we are going forward or backwards! He tells me not to worry because He knows the way, and all I have to do is follow Him.

I'm a slow walker, so sometimes He gets a fair way ahead of me and I have to run to catch up! He seems very eager to get to where we're going. I try to not complain about feeling tired, but it's not always easy to keep pace with Him.

To be honest, there are days when I just want to sit in a comfortable chair and not be bothered by anything or anyone. Days when I just don't feel like walking anymore! So far, He's been very patient with me and although it makes Him sad to see me dragging my feet, He waits..until I get new strength..and then off we go again !

It feels like I've always been on this journey. As if He has always been calling me to come up higher to see the view from where He's standing. I watch Him as His eyes scan the horizon. I know He sees things beyond my range of vision. I'm a little short-sighted and things in the distance are too blurred for me to see clearly.

It's a bit like playing 'blind-man's-bluff' I suppose. I remember playing that as a child and the way I used to get dizzy because I couldn't see where I was going. I never could fully trust my brother to lead me to a safe place - often I found myself precariously close to a thornbush in our garden. I half expected it and almost anticipated it each time the command was given to "take off the blindfold now!"

Yes..this journey's a bit like that. I have not fully escaped the thorns yet, but never mind, the roses along the way are making it all worthwhile. Oh..I've seen such beautiful roses on this journey! He seems to know exactly where the most exotic and fragrant ones are to be found. Sometimes they are hidden and we have to diligently search them out. And when we find them -my heart sings to see their exquisitely soft petals and my soul swoons as I take in their heavenly perfume. It makes Him smile and His eyes say to me "see..I told you it would be worth it!"

Yes..it's quite an adventure walking with Him - sore feet and all !!

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