Along the narrow path..

Follow the directions you have already received from me.
I promise My Presence will always be with you as long as you obey and follow me.
Walk with Me.
up Carmel
along the narrow path marked out by those who have gone before you, and now act as your guides along the Way.

At times you will not see Me
but trust in My Presence as it is with you - only hidden by the shadows on the mountain.
Soon you will see Me again in the Light as you keep going up and forward.

"Seek and ye shall find"

"Ye shall find Me when you search for Me with all your heart"

"Love the the Lord your God with all your heart".

I long to fill you with My Presence - with My love - and use you as a channel of glory to spread My love and Mercy to others - but I cannot!
Your heart has a blockage of self-love and fear - I cannot flow through you as I want to.

Self -love..
You didn't want to walk with Me to Calvary because you were afraid of the pain.

I alone, walked to Calvary - I alone, redeemed mankind
but you could console Me for the pain I suffered for you and for the many!

You thought I was asking you to go to Calvary and you were afraid.
But the mountain of Carmel is also dangerous and lonely and you need Someone to walk with you.

I will walk with you...
Seek My Presence always and I will be with you

Do as you have been informed and instructed and you will do well.
You know what to do.

I will be with you.

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