Walk with Me..

I saw You

coming down the far right aisle that night
bearing that terrible weight on your shoulder
Your face so serious and set on mine
Your eyes intent on locking mine in Your holy gaze.

No mistake.

You were coming for me- coming to me!
You stretched out Your right arm toward me
beckoning.. all the way down the aisle
on a Sunday evening in St Joseph's.

I had made my way to the altar with the others
others who must have been so much more worthy of Your attention
and yet here You were coming toward me with such deliberate steps.
Carrying that heavy Cross.

"Lord what is this?"
I begged to know - to understand.

"What is happening?!"

Mind racing
heart galloping madly
I saw You reach for me
stretching Your arm under that wood
pleading to me!

Your eyes would not leave mine
Your steps kept coming
determined to reach me.

I closed my eyes but nothing changed.
I saw You still coming down the far right aisle of St Joseph's.
My mind could not understand what was happening
what was real or not
on that Sunday evening
while sitting in the back row at church.

Then suddenly - You spoke!

Just three words.

Seared into my soul like hot arrows
piercing me within
confounding me..
confronting me still.

Mysterious message from Your mouth to my ear
whispered in sounds that now live within me.
Just three words that can never leave my soul,
nor allow me to be satisfied with less than what You want of me.
What You came to ask of me that evening.

True, it would have been much easier for me if You had told me plainly what I have to do
and how I am to do it so that I make no mistakes.
But You gave me no detailed instructions
no manual to follow
no list of requirements.
You simply said

"Walk with Me!"

And I have never been the same since.

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