Monastic enclosure..of the heart

Thoughts on 'monastic enclosure' written by Sr. Hildegarde Ryan, 
Oblate Director at Jamberoo Abbey NSW, Australia.

"...I am understanding that the "monastery" is one's heart;
that when we are outside the monastery of the heart,
we are caught off guard by evil, or by idle talk;
that we often relate these non-godly things to others and cause harm;
that we should not presume to leave the enclosure of the heart,
even for a few minutes, if we are to remain united to God in a life of prayer.

Applying the essence of chapter 67 of the Rule,
we must understand that we become strong in Christ by remaining within the enclosure of the heart.
If we are strong in Christ, nothing much of the godless ways of society will trouble us.
If there is always a prayer on our lips, we won't speak ill of others, or relate "ill" to others.

..I looked at a new theology of enclosure and I share this with you as Oblates whose enclosure consists entirely of "enclosure of the heart", the authentic enclosure.
Oblates, Monks, Nuns must have this enclosure as the foundation of their lives.
Fences won't help.
Staying home won't help.
Even if we erect high fences, lock the doors and pull the curtains,
our hearts will betray us if we are not centred in Christ.

..Thus enclosure, as lived by Benedictine Oblates, can be understood as a means of entrance into the knowledge of God, and is a witness of the "space in the heart" of every person and that place of union with God.

The space in the heart of every person is the space of purification and refining, and the place from which every person expands the heart to become the "beauty" of God.

..This is achieved by embracing a situation - monastic life (in it's many forms) - which provides sacred space for coming into the Presence of God,
and thus coming into the knowledge of God,
and allowing God to fill the space of one's heart, and lead one to union with God.

..We have stood at the Altar and promised to remain faithful to prayer and Holy Reading and to the living of the Gospel.
None of this can happen without the enclosure of the heart - THE UNDIVIDED HEART.
The undivided heart is one where all the desires of the heart are united in one single desire for God and the things of God.
The undivided heart is one we witness to our families, our colleagues, our world.
We don't go around with slogans or banners saying "I am for God!"
But our lives witness it in word and deed.

..When we have journeyed or strayed away from the enclosure of the heart, we are exhorted to have the honesty to acknowledge this and ask God's forgiveness.
We have all been sent on a journey - life's journey.
And we have integrated life's journey with the Benedictine journey.
If we are to make it work, then we must not leave the enclosure of the Heart!"

Pax ..

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